Hotspot vpn basic
Hotspot vpn basic

hotspot vpn basic

Surfing anonymously will give your online privacy the greatest protection. Use all the basic features of the app without having to sign up, register, or enter your credit card. Connect to any of our reliable VPN servers, and know that we do not keep any logs of your activity. Stay secure with encrypted traffic between your device and our servers while connected with Hotspot VPN.

hotspot vpn basic

Protect your privacy by connecting to our fully owned VPN servers, or upgrade to our Premium subscription for more features. See why users around world trust Hotspot VPN - Get it today!Ĭonnect to over 5000 fast VPN servers in 30 countries to keep your internet connection protected from cybercriminals. * Automatically connects you to the fastest VPN Server * You can try Premium features (no ads) free for 7 days Protect yourself from cyber threats with a simple tap of the screen. Hotspot VPN Pro is the most trusted security and privacy app.

Hotspot vpn basic